Re-Opening on Friday, February 9th, 2024!
Your Hometown Pub Where the Locals Eat & Drink.
Holus Bolus

Holus Bolus


Holus Bolus means ‘All At Once’. Holus Bolus is one person, multi-instrumentalist Tom Boylan. Referrred to as the “One-Man-Psychedelic-Acousti-loop” artist, Holus Bolus is the modern take on what a one-man-band is in this day and age. Outfitted with a small drum-kit and an acoustic guitar with some foot pedals, Holus Bolus builds songs one layer at a time, coalescing into one sound that’s acoustic-psychedelic groove-rock. “It’s like a philosopher-juggler….you throw up one ball at a time until you get a good thing going, then vocalize about life, love, aliens, and existence….all at once”, says Tom.


Friday, Nov 11 2022


9:00 pm - 11:55 pm



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